Purpose and focus: to provide coaching through the mediums of technology and life! I am dedicated to the vision of supporting people, organizations and businesses to be empowered and live in the truth of their being.


"It is important to live each day with a positive perspective. It is not wise to pretend problems do not exist, but it is wise to look beyond the problem to the possibilities that are in it." - Dale Turner

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (From: Benjamin Franklin)

Even if it is to be, what end do you serve by running to distress. (From: Lucius Annaeus Seneca - 5BC-65AD)


I've often thought it would be 'lovely' to have the sensory ability to see everything for the Truth of what it really is, and to be able to 'trust' in everything I believe. Often our own needs, desires and wishes can get us into great difficulty because we don't have the advantage of the full scope of knowledge, beyond our perceptions. We often ignore or don't have the information to make valuable choices in the interactions and business of our lives.

Recently, this point came through clearly to me, as I trusted what I thought I knew. There is a valuable lesson in this one for everyone if you are really paying attention to what I am saying here. I trusted my version of what I believed. I trusted that a person who had been entrusted with my highest good was authentic in their words, deeds and actions. And I trusted that they would look after me at the same level of integrity and authenticity as I would look out for them. I perceived and believed in their highest good operating in my highest good and trusted in that perception.

What I came to find out is that they did not have any awareness of what I had entrusted to them, trusted to be the truth and understood to be true about our relationship and business transaction. Sure, my timing might have been a bit out of kilter, or the circumstances might have been a bit heady, (in other words there might have been other extenuating circumstances that I was unaware of at the time.) But, what I discovered is that my perception of our transaction was as invalid as if the transaction had never occurred. I'd like to believe that everyone is as noble and careful in their transactions, as I would be with them.

My lesson is that while I good trusted in my own understanding and perceptions of what I thought to be true, I really did not have the truth of the other person working 'for me.' Therefore, what I trusted, which was my perception was definitely trustworthy. What I trusted in, well in this particular case was definitely not trustworthy. The moral of this lesson is to trust your instincts and back yourself up with the evidence. Our perceptions are an important part of our life experience and we need to trust our own deeper knowing and ourselves. We need not lose our sense of self-trust at the hands of inexperienced people who we trust and who have not fully understood what our trust means in our business and our life transactions.

May your perceptions be a gift of knowledge, greater wisdom and self-growth. And may you place your trust in people and situations that are worthy of your trust in them.

Love & Life,


A sign on the lawn, "Puppies for Sale, Five Dollars," caught the eye of an excited boy, who sauntered up the front walk and asked to see the litter. A man brought out five frisky puppies and one that limped.

"What's wrong with that dog?" asked the boy, pointing to the lame one. "That puppy will live, but it will never run much because it was born without a hip socket," the owner replied.

The boy pulled out $5 and said, "That's the one I want." The man tried to dissuade him, pointing out the problems a lame dog would bring. "You want a dog you can chase and play with," he told the boy.

"This one suits me fine," smiled the boy, pulling up his pants leg to reveal a full-length brace. - BITS & PIECES, March 3, 1994, Copyright © 1994 by The Economics Press, Inc.

  • Electric can openers are the perfect thing for people who want absolutely no arm muscles at all.
  • Amusement parks are getting expensive. The other day, I was at one and saw a sign that said, "You must be this rich to ride."
  • Isn't "catch and release" just another term for "pestering the fish"?
  • Looks like I'll be traveling this summer - dragging my chair in front of the air conditioning unit.
  • I haven't got a web site, but I do boast quite a few spider webs. Ought to count for something.
  • The last motel I stayed at had a two-speed air conditioner - loud and deafening.
  • Skiing is for people who can't just break their legs around the house.
  • I say, why pay outrageous prices for ski trips when I can just stick my face in the freezer and fall down on the kitchen floor.
  • It's National Salsa Month! Take a dip to lunch.
  • If you find a four-leaf clover, it means you have entirely too much time on your hands.
  • If you could pay for gas AND microwave a burrito at the pump - now THAT would be "convenient"!



You can always better your best.  You don't know what you can do unless you commit to doing it.  Nothing will come of nothing.  If you don't go out on a limb, you are never going to get the fruit.  There is no failure except in not in taking action.  I offer professional coaching services that work for your life or business. Give me a call at 303-823-0373 and let's get you moving toward your vision and fulfillment.

Are you ready to buff up your on-line business presence? Join coach Becky Haugen for a free “virtual” class in February. In one hour you will get hands-on coaching for your web site. Email today to reserve your place in this special offering.

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If on the other hand, we live believing that our every thought, word, and deed does in fact make a difference, then our lives can become touched by the extraordinary.  We have more health, joy and laughter.  We feel brighter, more connected, and others feel more enriched in our company. Bring your level of life balance, spiritual growth and self-understanding to a higher level. Coaching provides the support for your highest and best self. Hiring a coach can be fun, inspiring and bring out your best. Call today to discuss what Success Coach
, Becky Haugen can do with your greatest aspirations.

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Have a great month!

Love & Life,


Failure is always a safe, familiar, no-risk refuge, a known experience it focuses on new of testing responsibilities upon one. Success, on the other hand, is unknown territory and a high-risk business; the very life-style it imposes is full of relentless demands for even better performances and achievements. Anon

All materials are copyrighted and owned by Success Coach unless otherwise indicated. Permission to reproduce in part or in whole is granted, provided you fully disclose the source and credit Becky Haugen, Success Coach who can be reached at Success Coach or producing, creating and otherwise dreaming up this stuff!

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